
Welcome to the International Haters Society

Clayton Bigsby, perhaps the greatest hater in the world, once said, "If there's hate in your heart, let it out. Well, here at the International Haters Society, we believe in that motto. In fact, we think it is therapeutic to release your hate instead of bottling it up by trying to be politically correct. It can be unhealthy, even life-threatening to hold that hate inside. Let me explain by analogy. Think of hate as poop. Think of all the awful things that can happen if you hold your poop in: constipation...impacted bowels...the list goes on and on. Instantly, there is a tension between the need to poop vs. societal conventions demonizing a perfectly natural bodily function. The compromise was that we invented toilets and bathrooms and closing the doors to bathrooms when we are using the toilet. Well, think of the I.H.S. as your toilet to shit out all the hate that you have inside you. You know that amazing feeling that you get when you have been waiting to take a poop all day and you finally sit down and let it go? I'm talking about that kind of poop where you take your iPhone in with you (and possibly even the charger) because you know that you are going to be there for awhile. Well, if you use this website to sound off on things you hate, I am betting that you'll feel the exact same way. Only this time, you won't need to light a match afterwards. Enjoy!

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